2008年3月30日 星期日



* 直接購買價 單日原價1200元,優惠價990元 ;雙日原價2400元,優惠價1390元

* 跑趴專案 史上最低價,多場跑趴專案任您選,第二場最低2折起 ,加春浪只要700元。

* 選後拼經濟專案 單日原價1200元,4/4加購價880元 、4/5加購價930元

* 117間特約住宿專案 單日原價1200元,專案價960元 ;雙日原價2100元,專案價1350元

* 指定住票專案 單日原價1200元,破盤專案價每張450元(38折)起 ;雙日原價2100元,住票專案700元起

* 獨家贈品 購物金40元(拼經濟專案除外)、啤酒/面膜二選一 、前300張加贈冒煙的喬調酒1杯(已額滿)、贈送冒煙的喬用餐9折卷



* 優惠票價:單日950/雙日1350 ;會員票價:單日900/雙日1300

* 只要來電或e-mail預約(沒有時限),每張票立即加送:

◎ 現金抵用券300元。(50元X6張,可折抵所有墾丁旅遊達人網架上單價100元以上商品,每樣商品限用1張,以達人優惠價再折50元)

◎ 旅遊達人假期卡每人一張 (原價300元,終身免年費,不限本人使用,全省訂房、票券、電影票、餐券一律會員價優惠,詳情請看會員專區)

◎ 憑達人假期卡買肯德基六塊雞桶送二杯可樂、冒煙的喬用餐送特調飲料一杯、AMY'S打九折,優惠繁多不勝枚舉...... 歡迎來電洽詢。

◎ 原會員預約每張票立即再便宜(參考會員價)

◎ 活動期間(4/4-4/6)至墾丁門市取票再享有免費啤酒每人一瓶(數量有限送完為止)

SVC 購票專線: 0988-562-021

2008年3月24日 星期一

[SVC 2008 藝人簡介影片]

SVC 2008 今年最好玩的萬人派對








SVC 2008海洋音樂節!~

或直接撥打購票專線 : 0988-562-021 Jasmine

[SVC 墾丁福華海洋音樂祭 跑趴專案]




請大家上哈墾丁訂購 (點這裡)

[OZROSAURUS 向台灣問好影片]


2008年3月23日 星期日

[嘻哈大廳主持人] DJ Nick

Fution PARTY 專屬MC

[嘻哈大廳DJ推薦] DJ Ago

DJ Ago

1995年即出道,當時年方19歲的Dj AGO 即以黑馬之姿聞名南方,
10多年來的DJ生涯,.. 足跡遍及台中 台南 高雄
他熱愛各類型的音樂 不管是電子音樂或當下流行的Hip Hop
RnB, 在他的觀點裡只要是音樂, 都有它讓人喜歡的元素,
'不然哪來這麼多音樂類型, 充斥在這個世界!'

2008年3月13日 星期四

[隧道塗鴉區藝人介紹] 六號病毒街頭藝術創作團體

六號病毒街頭藝術創作團體 VIRUS NO.6 CREW
來自於中台灣的街頭塗鴉團,2006年由SADG CREW與FREE CREW結盟為六號病毒街頭藝術創作團隊,而他們的創作就如同病毒一般的擴散,大量的圖像充斥於你我生活週遭之中,鮮明、辨識度極高的圖像令人印象深刻,廣受民眾與媒體的討論,且不時在創作中融合街頭塗鴉與本土文化,

2008年3月9日 星期日

[活動快報] -- 我用我的力量救地球 (個人版)

3/29 SVC 2008 停止惡性循環 墾丁海洋音樂祭主辦單位,將與所有工作人員,以單車到墾丁的方式,呼籲大家「減碳、節能,用自己的力量救地球」!~


[活動快報] -- 我用我的力量救地球 (企業昇級版)

SVC 2008 停止惡性循環 墾丁海洋音樂祭呼籲國內企業團體,及公司行號於20084600:00與該活動一同停電10分鐘以響應「減碳.節能.救地球」的防止全球暖化的新觀念。

當天活動現場將利用十分鐘停電時間;由神秘活動代言人(25日公布) 以不插電方式進行現場演唱。


2008年3月8日 星期六

[最新消息] "酒精飲品暢飲特許" 手環發送活動第一波!~

SVC 2008 停止惡性循環 墾丁海洋音樂祭

"酒精飲品暢飲特許" 手環發送活動第一波!~

只要你的手上掛有SVC 2008的暢飲手環即可在活動當日,

2008/4/5 福華飯店地下二樓 FunMall
地球急救派對 .
2006全球百大排行第四名,全美最受歡迎之電子Dj --
Christopher Lawrence領軍,國內外22大最具影響力DJ接力.

我們一律贈送您 "暢飲特許"手環!~


請在你的狀態欄上加上: "我用我的力量救地球!~SVC 2008 墾丁海洋音樂祭"

購票請洽0988-562-021 或上網 Hot墾丁 及旅遊達人網站





2、前300張加贈會場隔壁的 "冒煙的喬餐廳" 瑪格麗特調酒1杯 (需用餐)






billboard第一名還很有可能是metallica或是Gn' R的時代;










"SVC 2008停止惡性循環墾丁海洋音樂祭"

SVC 就是停止惡性循環的英文縮寫,..








Rocken H. Sin (本次活動主辦人之一,知名Dj)

"SVC 2008 停止惡性循環墾丁海洋音樂祭"

2008年3月6日 星期四

[嘻哈區藝人介紹] OZROSAURUS + DJ SN-Z


1996年組成,初期成員為DJ Tomo 與 MC Macho, 目前則因Tomo單飛,而改制為Macho與DJ Sn-Z ; 他們的作品曲風較一般日式團體更貼近美式風格,因而樹立出完全不同的音樂走向,也奠定他們在東瀛樂壇中的地位。

OZROSAURUS於2001年發行的第一張專輯"ROLLIN' 045" 在HEADZ黑膠及唱片通路狂銷超過80,000張,被稱為"HIP HOP CLASSIC"。 第2張專輯則是在Original Confidence初登場即拿到第23位,銷售長紅。

OZROSAURUS在日本R&B天后米希亞MISIA ("In my soul-Mega Riders Remix") 的演唱會擔任特別來賓搶盡鋒頭,吸引了名人EXILE 合作"Let me luv you down Feat.ZEEBRA, MACCHO"。

第3張專輯"Rhyme & Blues" 推出後,音樂雜誌"MUSIC MAGAZINE" 及HIP HOP / R&B雜誌 "BLAST" 將之封為[2006年最佳嘻哈專輯]。

OZROSAURUS在Yokohama BLITZ 的Live表演,將弦樂 (小提琴、大提琴、中提琴和鋼琴)融入口技talk box,突破舊有hip hop 窠臼,其豐富音樂性獲得 "舞台傳奇" 稱號。而這次表演的DVD發行後立即登上Original Confidence DVD音樂榜的第21名!


OZROSAURUS start since1996. Represent Yokohama Japan. It is MACCHO's Solo Unit (Maccho was born in 1978 which is MC now. Grasp a microphone from 14 years old and it is working as a solo unit of the originator genius rapper which carried out first recording at
the age of 16.)

LIVE DJ is sworn friend DJ SN-Z.

"045 STYLE", "AREA AREA", were smash hit singles from major debut Album "Bay Blues" in 1998. 1st album"ROLLIN' 045" released in April, 2001 records appeal and the long-term seller exceeding 80,000 units now not only on HEADZ but on a broad layer, and name and reality serve as HIP HOP CLASSIC. Especially, Low Rider Team has participated in music video of "AREA AREA" completely, and the big support from Low Riders.

In 2002, although it is Ozrosaurus which has worked focusing on Live Performance, precedence single "JUICE" and 2nd album "JUICE" will be release precedence single"Hey Girl feat. CORN HEAD" from 2nd albums and announced in November in succession continuously in March, 2003. The smash hit and album which serve as the 23rd place of an Original Confidence first appearance with hard contents serve as long-term seller.

Then, MISIA ("In my soul-Mega Riders Remix") which really not puts in a guest performance, It becomes participation and the center of attention also in the work of the famous artist of EXILE ("Let me luv you down Feat.ZEEBRA, MACCHO") etc.

It will be a single "ON AND ON" release in March, 04. Then, long-awaited new single"The Phoenix(will rise)" will be released through the album of own another unit ROMERO SP in October, 05. The pride as President Yokohama and a representative MC of Japan was shown anew. And long-awaited 3rd album"Rhyme & Blues" will be released in March, 06. Later, acquisition, and its popularity and ability were proved for [2006 BEST HIP HOP ALBUM] in music technical magazine "MUSIC MAGAZINE" & HIP HOP / R&B technical magazine "BLAST." After 3rd album release ventures the tour final which will become a first autocrat in Yokohama BLITZ in June, performing the live in various places. He is completely [ in the stage in which a feeling of strain exists the hall filled with Cloud of crowded House Full ] Locke. By the performer who will amount to about 40 persons in all if an album participating artist, a dancer, and a musician also include

This live the arrangement which features the string unit (violin, cello, viola) & grand piano, talk box beyond the frame of HIP HOP, and is rich in musicality also applied the ring to impression just became "a legendary stage." This pattern is released with DVD on March 7, 07, and records the 21st place of a first appearance with an Original Confidence DVD music chart. And 4th ALBUM "Hysterical" of all the Ozrosaurus's fan great desires is released still more on August 15, 07.

OZROSAURUS OFFICIAL WEB http://www.ozrosaurus.jp

DJ SN-Z aka DragonClaw is a DJ and producer who started djing back in 1992 in Yokohama, Japan. In 1994 he moved to the Mecca of hiphop New York City and lived in Harlem for 10 years. In Harlem he joined Hard Pac (Get Money Nation) on 125th street. DJ SN-Z has dj'd at clubs such as Jimmy's Cafe in the Bronx, Mars2112, Lime Light, 2IZ, etc. He has also been on tour(Predatah Or Prey MAD LION) wiz Edley Shine Formerly of Born Jamericans & Don yoth, the Jungle Brothers, and Black Sheep. SN-Z isn't just a Dj he is a turntablist and made it to the finals in the 2002 and 2003 at the DMC regionals in Chicago. He also placed 2nd in EastCoast OverDose. DJ Sn-z has dj'd for Mad Lion, Team Alliance, and the Storm Ryders(Japanese rap group in NY). He moved back to Japan in 2005 and joined Romero Sp (Maccho of OZROSAURUS, FUTO of Furin Kazan, Rude Bowy Face & Akitaken Doburoku).
He released the Romero Gone Wild, The R, and Zip Lock. He is currently Dj'n for Ozrosaurus and the NEW ALBUM is hittin in August 15 2007. 045 STYLE!!!

Website : http://www.myspace.com/djsnz

2008年3月4日 星期二

[電子區藝人介紹] Christopher Lawrence

Christopher Lawrence (PHARMACY MUSIC, US)

2006年DJ Magazine 票選"世界百大DJ" 第4名。 美國知名舞曲雜誌URB授予 "超級巨星DJ" 之封號

DJ Magazine稱他為 "全球最受歡迎DJ之一"。Christopher Lawrence是現今舞曲樂壇最偉大、最受尊敬的名人其一。曾是門外漢的Christopher崛起快速,現在已到達舞曲帝國的世界頂點。他的硬派techno trance被認定為全球關鍵DJ且是美國的舞曲領導專家,也在世界各地最大的音樂節及頂尖夜店稱霸。

過去幾年內Christopher獲得了無數的獎項,如 IDMA's的 "最佳美國DJ"、BPM雜誌在2006年的"美國最佳DJ"調查中獲得 "全球最佳DJ"第3名。 最近Dancestar US Awards 和Los Angeles Music Awards同時給了Christopher "最佳DJ"獎項。他也被Dancestar UK Awards, DJ Awards, International Trance Awards, Global DJ Mix Awards以及IDMA's等提名。並登上全球無數報章雜誌及出版品封面。

BBC's Radio 1稱他為 "美國最偉大的DJ";有關他的報導傳單和他參加過的活動,把名稱列出來可以長達數哩。光是去年他就到中國、英國、墨西哥、Ibiza派對聖地、澳洲、台灣、荷蘭、巴拿馬、祕魯、波多黎各、日本、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加、馬來西亞、哥倫比亞、新加坡、沙烏地阿拉伯、希臘、俄羅斯、瑞典、土耳其、烏克蘭、印尼、巴西、阿根廷、泰國、加拿大等等33個國家巡迴演出。只要在國際上最負盛名的夜店和派對中都能看到他的身影。

Christopher美國最高調的活動中都是頭條新聞,也是美國DJ中唯一受邀至所有Ministry Of Sound 3場開幕典禮、Cream and Gatecrasher美國巡迴。Mixmag 以 "受高度尊崇的製作人" 來形容Christopher,他在2002年在葛來美獎獲提名。他具有開創性的專輯,甚至未公開的混音專輯"Batman Begins" 也被知名DJ 如Paul van Dyk, Tiesto, 和 PaulOakenfold使用。

90年代後期,Christopher成為美國最暢銷DJ,銷售超過250萬張混音CD。他由自己的唱片公司Pharmacy Electronic Music發行了 "Subculture" (次文化)混音專輯,成為Jive Magazine 冊封 "年度最佳Trance專輯"。

在DJ世界中,Christopher Lawrence絕對是真正的領導者。

Voted the #4 DJ in the World by DJ Magazine’s prestigious ‘Top 100’ poll for 2006, Christopher Lawrence is recognized worldwide as one of the World's top DJs and producers. Dubbed "A Superstar DJ" by the US’s URB and “One Of The Most Popular DJs On The Global Circuit” by DJ Magazine, Christopher Lawrence is one of the biggest, most respected and popular names in dance music today. Once an outsider in a world dominated by European and UK DJs, Christopher has risen to the top of the international dance music heap. He is now considered one of the key global players and America’s leading dance music export, playing his tough techno trance sets main stage at the world’s biggest festivals and superclubs. Over the past few years, Christopher has received numerous awards and accolades. Winner of “Best American DJ” at the IDMA’s, Christopher is also a recent recipient of the "Best DJ" at both the Dancestar US Awards and Los Angeles Music Awards. Christopher has additionally been nominated in Dancestar UK Awards, DJ Awards, International Trance Awards, Global DJ Mix Awards and IDMA’s to name a few. Christopher has also graced the covers of countless magazines, newspapers and publications worldwide. Described as the "Biggest DJ in the USA” by the BBC’s Radio 1, Christopher clocks up over a quarter of a million frequent flyer miles a year and a list of international events too long to mention. In the past year alone, Christopher has toured China, United Kingdom, Mexico, Ibiza, Australia, Taiwan, Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Japan, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Colombia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Russia, El Salvador, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Panama, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Thailand, Guatemala, and Canada. One need look no further than the top international clubs and dance festivals to find Christopher’s name. Meanwhile, back in the US, Christopher continues to be one of the countries most sought after DJs, headlining high profile events from San Francisco’s Love Fest and Sony’s ‘Playstation 2 Tour’ to Arnold Schwazzeneger’s ‘Terminator III’ party. He has played the famed Coachella festival more than any other DJ, and was also the only US DJ invited to headline all three of the inaugural Ministry Of Sound, Cream and Gatecrasher tours of America. Described as "A Highly Respected Producer" by Mixmag, Christopher won a preliminary Grammy nomination in 2002. With a discography of groundbreaking tracks, Christopher’s notable releases ‘Attention’, ‘Scorcher’, ‘Shredder’, 'Renegade', 'Rush Hour', 'Cruise Control', ‘October’s Child’ and bootleg remixes such as ‘Batman Begins’ have been hammered by DJs from Paul van Dyk and Tiesto to Paul Oakenfold. This past several years have been Christopher’s biggest to date on both the DJ and production front, following the release of two artist albums. His debut album ‘All Or Nothing’ and the follow up, ‘Un-Hooked’, a retrospective of Christopher’s work for Hook Recordings, both topped the iTunes dance charts and met with widespread chart and critical acclaim from the worlds toughest critics from Rolling Stone to the Washington Post. Christopher’s music has soundtracked everything from TV shows such as MTV’s ‘Real World’, to Matchbox Car DVDs to computer games including ‘Need for Speed 2’ – bringing an entirely new audience to Christopher. Always pushing the limits, Christopher gained attention with the release of his new website, which was nominated in the “Best Music Website” category of both the SXSW and the Webby Awards, which are considered the Academy Awards of web design. Designed by the groundbreaking and award winning 2Advanced, Christopher’s website became a benchmark in the DJ. Check it out at http://www.christopherlawrence.com In the late nineties, Christopher established himself as one of the US's biggest selling DJs selling over a quarter of a million mix CDs following a string of record breaking releases including 'Rise', 'Temptation', ‘United States of Trance’ and 'Around The World'. Christopher's most recent mix ‘Subculture’ was described by Jive Magazine as “The Best Trance Album of the Year!", reiterating the fact that Christopher continues to be one of the World's most evolving and respected DJs. After lengthy delays, Christopher’s label Pharmacy Electronic Music will be officially launched in late 2007. On the big screen, Christopher has appeared in ‘Midsummernight's Rave', as well the documentaries ‘Liquid Vinyl’, 'Intellect', ‘Put The Needle On The Record’, ‘World Party On Tour’ and ‘American Massive’ to name a few. A music video for Christopher’s single, Freefall, shot at California’s Electric Daisy Carnival has also been featured on television around the world. In the world of international dance culture, there are DJs who are leaders and those who are followers. Christopher Lawrence is a true leader.

[Killafornia + Style Elements 向台灣朋友問好]

Greetings to Taiwan from Killafornia + Style Elements!

[DJ SWB向台灣問好影帶]

Greetings to Taiwan from DJ SWB

[DJ Muggz & Psycho Realm向台灣的朋友們問好]

Greetings to Taiwan from DJ Muggs and Sick Jacken

[最新消息] 墾丁地圖

[最新消息] 活動分區簡介

「H 區 嘻哈大廳」

GZA (全美最受崇敬之饒舌團體--武當派大老,紐約市地下饒舌教主);DJ Muggs(美國西岸拉丁饒舌天團Cypress Hill墓園三人組元老); Psycho Realm (墨裔饒舌地下先趨); DJ SWB(美票選2007最具影響力之前30大嘻哈DJ);DJ Tanaken(日本東京本田王朝第一人,走馬黨成員); Ozrosaurus(橫濱區饒舌硬勢力代表團體); D.O(目前東京都當紅饒舌炸子雞); DJ Stimulant J (鹹濕大老Too $hort御用)...

「S 區 石頭族樂園」

Style Element + KillaForNia
甫獲得2008 B-Boy Unit USA冠軍;
來自美國西岸 號稱史上最強B-BOY元祖團隊 首次登台,兩天兩夜舉辦有KillaFornia現場街舞教學.
你可與大師級團員Crumbs, Ruen, Flankie Flave, & Steelo習藝切磋,並有他們現場的排舞演出及2對2、4對4現場Battle;還有來自始祖團隊Rock Steady Crew的專屬DJ;
舉行B-Boy Only地板派對!~

「T 區 塗鴉隧道區」


DyseOne -- 一個嘻哈繪畫設計的世界中,無可抹滅的噴畫大師

「E區 電氣閣樓區」

Saucey, Peter Burke, Yoshi, Slick, Gareth Jones, Matty D, Kriz, Romeo, Stan, Glenn, Tom, &
Christopher Lawrence (百大末DJ排名第四)


[最新消息] 環保創意市集招募


每攤位 8000 元/整 ; 限三名工作人員。


及聯絡方式,email 至=====> sammi333888@hotmail.com 季真

[電子區藝人介紹] DJ Saucey

DJ Saucey
Citrus 創辦人之ㄧ, Taipei Times指定為「台灣最具影響力的外籍DJ之一」,台灣最受歡迎的funky housebreaks DJ

一直以來DJ Saucey都被評選為足以代表世界知名DJ的人物,例如Sasha, Plump Djs, Azido Da Bass, Dj Jazzy Jeff, Deep Dish, Carl Cox, Dj Dan, Johnny Fiasco, Junky XL, Derrick Carter, Dj Sneak, LTJ Bukem, Tiefshwarz, Aphrodite, Funk D’Void, Pete Heller, Steve Mac, Kevin Yost, Hipp-e, Chicago's J-Dub and B.L.I.M. - Hyper以及Fatboy Slim's Big Beat Boutique等等。

2006年在中華大學完成錄音工程的學位證書之後,DJ Saucey和搭檔DJ SL的合作關係又更深一層,成為製作雙人組合SOULUTIONS,更受邀成為”SABBATICAL” www.onsabbbatical.comCD的台灣區代表人物。他們所製作的兩首代表作(As the World Turns and Luxy Style)讓整個亞洲為之瘋狂,也與其他世界知名DJ例如Dj Johnny Fiasco, Dj Hipp-e, Kenny Hawkes, Astro & Glyde, Justin Michaels and Om’s Rythma等人的作品共同提名為廣告歌曲候選名單。

2002年,Saucey與來自紐約的DJ SL(劉軒) 一同創辦了Citrus,一個每月一度的house partyCitrus至今已經邁入第三年,成為台灣歷史最久也最成功的浩室派對。Saucey也被台灣的《台北時報》Taipei Times選為「台灣最受歡迎的funky housebreaks DJ」,並在網路中榮獲「台灣最佳的外籍DJ(re-evolution.com) 。他曾接受台灣花花公子Playboy雜誌的專訪,更被Taipei Times指定為「台灣最具影響力的外籍DJ之一」(Taipei Times, 03/04 )

Saucey一直都是大型派對的首選DJ,連續五年來他都受邀前往南台灣最大型的戶外派對演出,例如Spring Love春愛 (觀眾超過1萬人)、Spring Scream春天吶喊、Spring Wave春浪(觀眾1萬5千人),以及Moonlight月光飛舞嘉年華(觀眾超過8千人)。夏天時他也在北台灣的最大型戶外派對地點翡翠彎擔任主秀(觀眾超過1萬人),更是Azido Da Bass的指定暖場DJ。2005年10月他受邀前往中國珠海的年度盛會「愛與分享沙灘音樂節」為2萬8千名群眾演出。

Citrus (DJ SLDJ Saucey)Spy Bar ( AM productions )。這個來自台北的雙人組合在這裡演出時造成轟動。他們的funky house讓參加派對的群眾陶醉一整晚("Citrus ( DJ SL and DJ Saucey ) at Spy Bar ( AM productions ). This Taipei-based duo killed when they played here. Their funky, fun, house kept clubbers shaking all night. ) www.seoulclassifieds.co.kr

Saucey (Chris Sostad) began his DJing career in Victoria B.C. CA and his style of “Jump-up” Funky House and Breaks has been hugely popular on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

Early in 2002 Saucey teamed up with his current partner Shiuan Liu and the duo formed Citrus, a monthly House Music Party based on some of the intimate after-hours shows Saucey organized previously. Citrus is an event that is now entering its third year and is currently the longest-running and most popular house night in Taiwan. Citrus has brought some big hitting djs such as Dj Dan and Steve Mac to Taiwan and most recently the Citrus duo exceeded Luxy’s Lotus room 600 person capacity with Deep House legend Johnny Fiasco, a thought unheard of in Taiwan 3 years ago. Since then, Saucey “Taipei’s favorite Funky House and Breaks dj” (Taipei Times) has been featured in Playboy Magazine (April 2003) and was voted top foreign dj in Taiwan (re-evolution.com). He has also been quoted as “one of the most influential foreign Djs in Taiwan. (Taipei Times, 03/04)

DJ Saucey has been consistently chosen to represent some of the top names in the business including: Sasha, Plump Djs, Azido Da Bass, Dj Jazzy Jeff, Deep Dish, Carl Cox, Dj Dan, Johnny Fiasco, Junky XL, Derrick Carter, Dj Sneak, LTJ Bukem, Tiefshwarz, Aphrodite, Funk D’Void, Pete Heller, Steve Mac, Kevin Yost, Hipp-e, Chicago's J-Dub and B.L.I.M. - Hyper and Fatboy Slim's Big Beat Boutique etc etc.

Saucey is always the number one choice for all of Taiwan’s massive parties. He has performed at the past five Spring Scream Festivals in the southern beach community of Kenting for all the big shows such as Spring Love (10,000+ People), Spring Scream, Spring Wave (15,000 People) and Moonlight (8000+ people), He also played a key role in Northern Taiwan’s first outdoor massive in Green Bay (10,000 + ), where he opened for Azido Da Bass. In October 2005 he was invited to play at the annual Big Love Festival in Zhu Hai China in front of 28,000 adoring fans!

[電子區藝人介紹] DJ Gareth Jones, Kriz, Matty D, Peter Burke, and Tom Bassman

DJ Gareth Jones

Gareth Jones, 又稱D'Jones。2002年與多年好友DJ Declan組隊加入Swank Productions成為企劃、設計及製作人。加入團隊的6年後,Gareth在台灣和亞洲各地迅速累積名聲。他高能量的浩室與電音節拍讓他不斷的收到台灣知名單位的邀請,包括ESPDJ的Deep Inside和Citrus派對。Gareth也曾在各個火紅的夜店表演: 如台北的Luxy, MoS, Eden, The Face, Cor,和台中的Bobo's, Trendy, Liquid Lounge, Sparc, Club CU, Soundgarden。

Gareth也參演了台灣最受歡迎的戶外派對,如05及06年在翡翠灣舉行的艷夏沙灘音樂節、06年春浪、06年大安海灘派對與John Graham同台演出。最近Gareth更榮獲和house大師Rithma, Johnny Fiasco,及Hipp-E同台演出的機會。他也和James Zabiela, Azzido Da Bass, Hybrid, Ronski Speed, Takkyu Ishino一起於派對上演出。國際上,Gareth甚至橫越了太平洋兩端,在中國、蘇梅島、泰國、峇里島的Kudos, DeJa Vu,和Liquid表演,炙手可熱。

DJ Kriz
Kriz小時候總是坐在她母親的裁縫機前快樂的玩玩具,而這台擁有轟隆巨響的工業用裁縫機甚至壓制了收音機播放的Synthpop,難怪Kriz會熱愛在台灣各夜店皆可見的house & electro。出生於英國愛丁堡的她,17歲時曾經同時做4份兼差工作,就為了買她的第一組唱片轉盤。從那時候開始,她的音樂就在世界各地流動,從美國的派對Burning Man到泰國的Ko PhaNgan島;從加拿大蒙特婁到現在定居的台灣。

至少每月一次能在台中她已駐店4年多的Liquid Lounge、Swank舉辦的活動中聽到她的演出。在中台灣的地下house音樂先鋒Swank多次活動中,她已經擁有固定的聽眾。Kriz的風格相當有特色又活潑,時常呈現新潮前衛的electro和dirty house音樂。除了頻繁出席Swank的活動,Kriz也會在Zoo (前Sound Garden)、台中的主要泳池派對Aquaboogies 1, 2, 3, 4、Popin、Barcode和Escape等店表演。在台中之外,Kriz也曾在春吶、大安海灘派對、大山山頂、花蓮體育場、和台北的Bliss演出。

Kriz曾為Rithma 暖場(隸屬Om & Rithmica 唱片) ,並且和John Graham (Quivver/ Planet Funk), Saucey (ESPDJs ), Fion, Marcus Aurelius, Junior & Megan, Hooker, Scottyballer,
Zoltan, Freaky Squeaker, Juni 及她的Swank同事Declan, Gareth Jones, Matty D & 3b 等藝人同台演出。

為了向前邁進,Kriz打算繼續挑戰house音樂極限: 融合浩室與電子(house & electro)、黑暗浩室與放克(dirty & funk)。


"從來沒聽過這麼美妙的聲音(除了Prince)...浩室與電音 DJ Nicola Kriz,Swank駐台,道地蘇格蘭人及派對治療師,過去10年獻身於研究最好的浩室音樂及微調她的派對哲學。"
--節錄於Taipei Times 2007年11月23日 (關於Kriz的全文報導)

--節錄於Taipei Times 2007年11月9日報導

"聚集了台灣最受歡迎的外國浩室DJ群,Swank下個月將歡慶5周年,號召Matty D, Kriz和3b這群台中的浩室音樂先鋒,許多夜店都已淪陷,Swank才是創造優質派對的兵工廠。"
--節錄於Taipei Times 2007年10月10日報導

A wee Kriz spent much of her childhood happily playing with her toys, sat under her mother's ferociously rumbling industrial sewing machine that overpowered the synthpop on the radio, it' no wonder then that Kriz would develop the passion for house and electro seen nowadays behind the decks at venues all over Taiwan. Born in Edinburgh, Kriz had 4 part time jobs on the go to finance her first pair of decks at age seventeen. Since then she has been able to bring her sound around the globe from Burning Man to Ko Pha Ngan, from Montreal to Taiwan where she now resides. At least once a month Kriz can be heard at Swank events at Liquid Lounge in Taichung where she has had a residency for over 4 years. She has built a committed fan base from her regular shows with Swank, the pioneering underground house crew of central Taiwan. Her sets are always distinctive and vivacious as Kriz consistently strives to deliver new, cutting edge electro and dirty house sounds. Despite her busy schedule with Swank, Kriz also makes appearances at Zoo (formerly Sound garden), Taichung's mainstay for pool parties: Aquaboogies 1, 2, 3 and 4, Popin, Barcode and Escape. Outside of Taichung Kriz has played to crowds at Spring Scream, DaAn beach party, DaShan mountaintop, Hualien stadium and Bliss in Taipei. Kriz has warmed the decks for Rithma (Om and Rithmica records) and has played alongside John Graham (Quivver/ Planet Funk), Saucey (ESPDJs ), Fion, Marcus Aurelius, Junior & Megan, Hooker, Scottyballer, Zoltan, Freaky Squeaker, Juni and her fellow Swank colleagues Declan, Gareth Jones, Matty D & 3b. Looking ahead, Kriz intends to keep pushing the boundaries of house music: merging house with electro, dirty with funky, keeping on keeping on and breaking it down till the break of dawn. Press coverage: "Never seen anyone as beautiful as they sound, (except Prince)… House and electro DJ Nicola Kriz, Swank resident, native Scot and party physician/physicist...devoted most of the last 10 years to researching the best house music and fine-tuning her party philosophy." Taipei Times 23 Nov 2007 (Full article about Kriz) "The sumptuous sounds of Kriz, Swank's resident DJ,who plays funky and electro beats." Taipei Times 9 Nov 2007 "One of the longest running house music foreign DJ collectives in Taiwan, Swank will mark its fifth anniversary next month. Made up of Declan, Gareth Jones, Matty D, Kriz and 3b, the group pioneered the house music scene in Taichung, and, while many clubs fell by the wayside, has forged a reputation for quality parties." Taipei Times 10 Oct 2007

Matty D
六年多前Matty D到訪台灣,從那時候開始他就把最前線風格的big bass, electro, breaks, 和house傳遍亞洲,也帶回北美。和他的DJ朋友們組成團隊加入Swank Productions (www.swank-dj.com) 之後,Matt 將他的音樂帶給大眾。除了播放John Graham (Planet Funk), Rithma (Om Records)等才華洋溢藝人的音樂,他也知道該繼續向前,而宣傳就是下個該做的事。在他到峇里島和泰國表演的亞洲巡迴後,他回到台灣並且和Swank同事Gareth Jones一起舉辦了他的第一個派對"XXX-mas"。派對一舉成功,Matt D則繼續在台中舉辦更多大受歡迎的每月派對,以及成為上海"Boiling Club" (www.boiling100.net ) 每兩個月表演一次的駐場DJ。請繼續看著Matt,他將在下個月推出新的雙CD,詳細日期請上www.swank-dj.com網站查詢。

Over 6 years ago Matty D made the move to Taiwan. Within that time he has been able to bring his cutting edge style of big bass, electro, breaks and house all across Asia and back to North America. Teaming up with friends and fellow DJ’s to the already well established SWANK Productions www.swank-dj.com Matty was able to bring his music to the masses. Playing besides the likes of John Graham(Planet Funk), Rithma (Om Records) and other talented influences, Matty new it was time to step things up. Promoting was the next thing on the horizon. Bringing his sound to Bali and Thailand on an Asian tour, he returned to Taiwan to throw his first party in Hualien, XXX-mas, with fellow Swanker Gareth Jones. It was a huge success and Since then Matty D has continued to throw the hugely successful monthly Swank parties in Taichung, Taiwan, as well as a new bi-monthly residency in Shanghai, China, at Boiling Club www.boiling100.net Keep a look out for Matty’s new double cd, out next month, and check for his upcoming dates at www.swank-dj.com

Peter Burke
高雄 Kaohsiung, Taiwan / 加拿大 Victoria, B.C. Canada
Peter Burke原本是加拿大PLA crew的一員,他在幾場大型派對中初試啼聲,後來即和Donald Glaude, Hipp-E, Dr. Phreak, Nigel Richards, Paul Oakenfold, David Alvarado, Dave Seaman, Czech, Kenny Glasgow, DJ Brian Dekoze, Dave Tipper, John Kelly 等許多知名DJ同台演出。Peter對DJ文化非常熱衷,他總是將新的節奏和音樂帶到台灣的舞池。
Peter愛好各種類型音樂,他並不把自己侷限在其中一種,在表演時他會解讀群眾選擇他認為當晚適合的音樂。他的風格通常為chunky techno 和funky electro-house。遷居到台灣後,Peter在高雄市舉辦派對總是吸引大批常客。他提供除了前40大嘻哈派對外的選擇,他的show吸引了創造南台灣新電音環境的群眾。

Originally, a member of the PLA crew in Vancouver, Canada, Peter Burke cut his teeth playing at some of the biggest parties in BC history and has shared the decks with acts such as Donald Glaude, Hipp-E, Dr. Phreak, Nigel Richards, Paul Oakenfold, David Alvarado, Dave Seaman, Czech, Kenny Glasgow, Dj Brian Dekoze, Dave Tipper, John Kelly and many more. Truly passionate about DJ culture, Peter is always eager to introduce new beats and 'choons to the dance floors of Taiwan A lover of all forms of music, Peter does not peg himself into one certain style of music. He reads the crowd and plays to where he sees the night heading. His styles of choice are chunky techno and funky electro-house. Truly passionate about DJ culture, Peter is always eager to introduce new beats and 'choons to the dance floors of Taiwan. Upon moving to Taiwan, Peter formed trust, whose parties have gone on to create a large, loyal following in Kaoshiung City. Providing an alternative to the legions of top 40 hip-hop-parties, Peter’s shows are attracting the perfect kind of crowd to spawn a new electronic scene in South Taiwan. A definite name to check out if you are in the area. -www.neotribe.info

Tom Bassman
來自英國 From UK
Style - Funky/electro house

15年音樂 DJ 經驗,遍及全球各地英國、澳洲、曼谷、西班牙、香港、上海。曾與知名 DJ Howie B, Mr. C 和 Atone 數次合作。

Been Djing for 15 years, London, Manchester, Sydney, Bangkok, Spain, Hong Kong, Shanghai have played with Howie B, Mr. C, and used to be in Atone when I was living in Sydney

[電子區藝人介紹] DJ Glenn, Romeo, Slick, Stan, and Yoshi

DJ Glenn
如果你要一個芝加哥house音樂場面的品味,來看DJ Glenn用他獨有的Bangin' Funky House風格轟炸舞池,就像一個A片男星可以持久整晚,用他的力量讓你在舞池裡筋疲力盡到不能走路,然後當你離開club的時候,你會說 "DJ Glenn是我的英雄!" 而他真的會是!
平常都在高雄的熱門場地和雜誌主辦的派對以及慈善活動上播放,還有每個禮拜在飛碟電台固定的舞曲mix秀,DJ Glenn將永遠不讓你失望!

DJ Romeo
高雄,台灣 Spin Records/ DJ Mart
身為台灣最快速崛起的DJ之ㄧ,Romeo已在台灣的舞蹈文化中鞏固了地位。他擁有南台灣唯一一家黑膠唱片行,對當地DJ 的幫助極大。許多黑膠唱片要求甚高的執著者,最喜愛他的唱片行,總是不停來像他尋求所選的唱片,因為Romeo擁有廣大的珍藏。關於各種音樂類型,他都有著靈敏的聽力,只要是他挑選出來的,就算一開始是無名小卒,過沒多久也會變成舞池必備曲。他特別喜歡Drum & Bass和Break-beat 但是也會應映群眾的要求。他曾是台灣電音教父Nick Chung的徒弟,學習神速。後來他看DMC Battle DVD自學刮碟技巧,向Q-Bert和Grant Stetski取經。Romeo在台灣各大夜店都表演過,並繼續為企劃、DJ同儕、和愛好舞池者帶來感動。

Kaoshiung, Taiwan Spin Records/ DJ Mart As one of the fastest up and coming DJs in Taiwan, Romeo has cemented his place in Taiwan’s dance culture. As the owner of Southern Taiwan’s only vinyl store, Romeo hustles the wax to all the disc jockeys in the area. His shop is a favorite spot for vinyl purists who are regularly tearing his shelves apart looking for the choice tracks. And Romeo has a lot of them. He has been gifted with having a great ear for all styles of music and seems to always pick out the unknowns that later become club floor anthems. He especially likes Drum and Bass and Break-beat but will pretty much drop anything the crowd is begging for. Taught by one of the godfather’s of Taiwan’s electronic music scene, Nick Chung, Romeo picked up his skills on the decks incredibly fast. He later taught himself how to scratch by watching DMC Battle DVDs of acts like Q-Bert and hanging around turntablist Grant Stetski. Romeo has played at almost every top club in Taiwan and continues to impress promoters, his DJ peers and dance floors alike.

DJ Slick
DJ slick (Café Mushroom)
Styles:Breaks; Disco; Electro; Funk; Hip Hop; Jazz; Soul; & Turntablism
DJ slick (a.k.a.Nick Chung) 早在1989年就踏入夜間職場,並開啟了他的職業DJ生涯,在這漫長的歲月裡他經歷過無數次舞曲文化的革命,也看盡台灣夜店的演變及興衰,他是許多後起之秀學習的對象,也曾是許多南台灣知名夜店及派對的幕後主推手。當nick站在唱機後面時,他對音樂的挑選相當堅持,也很清楚了解舞客的需求,他的曲風全面, 選配歌曲拿捏精準,並且總是能夠在本身的理想與環境的現實間,抓住完美的平衡點。 nick所經歷過的表演場次不在話下,熟識nick的朋友都曉得,當他能夠隨心所欲選曲時,"他絕對是那讓舞池人群擁塞及滿足舞客慾望的關鍵!"

Stan.W (WhirL)
2006 Taipei Times Best DJ高雄 Whirl Muzik & ArtProductions首腦,致力於推廣電音,涉足DJ四年時間,卻挾持豐富的派對經歷。轉攻Nu-Break後的Stan.W拋開以往溫文儒雅的形象,奉行絕對碎拍主義,在近幾暴力的破碎節拍中,含薀著大量跳舞元素。電氣味十足的選歌加酸調味,打造出Stan.W式的獨特風味。

中日混血的Yoshi青年時期即至美國芝加哥接觸了電子音樂展開他的DJ生涯,在這個浩室音樂的大本營所在,Yoshi對於house各式曲風鋪陳的拿捏皆相當熟捻。2004於當地知名夜店 betty blue star lounge, soundbar, vision出道,並與DJ Hyper, Mazi (Audio Soul Project), Sassmouth等國際藝人同台演出。2006年回台灣後目前積極參與推廣台灣電子音樂並企劃各大小活動,包括Chris Fortier, DJ Tsuyoshi, Junkie XL, Tim Healey等藝人來台演出都由YOSHI暖場DJ。從Tech House, German Minimal, Electro Techno到Nu-School Breaks,不論在何時,Yoshi帶來的前衛高能量節拍必定可以震攝舞客的心臟。

[嘻哈區藝人介紹] GZA (Wu-Tang Clan)

GZA (Wu-Tang Clan)

提到美國東岸的嘻哈饒舌音樂,就不能不提到武當派(Wu-Tang Clan);GZA正是其中的饒舌大將之一;出身於紐約布魯克林區的他,可以說是真正倚靠著一支麥克風而脫離貧民區的標準美國夢,他比所有的武當派成員都更早開始饒舌樂的演出。在1976年,嘻哈還是很在地的那種紐約地方音樂時,他就已經開始表演並於1991年發行第一張專輯唱片 "Words from the Genius."


[隧道塗鴉區藝人介紹] DyseOne



高中時即展現美術天份,在Tribal Street Wear等服裝公司工作,後來到了Fox Television福斯電視台工作,而在16歲就贏得Emmy Award 艾美獎的"創意廣告獎",從此他就開始出現在雜誌封面、上電視、設計衣服。


許多唱片公司想和DyseOne合作,如Fieldy、樂團Korn, Pretty Ricky, Psycho Realm, & Sick Symphonies。 最近DyseOne O.G. Abel.合作,為 Tito Ortiz's gym (Tito Ortiz健身中心) 繪製外牆。現在DyseOne 依然在服飾界工作,如他自己的品牌DyseOne The Collection此次活動我們將邀請他前來,為福華海邊隧道以拯救地球暖化現象為主題,進行現場噴畫請大家拭目以待。

[嘻哈區藝人介紹] DJ Rocken H. Sin

DJ Rocken H. Sin

DJ他的節奏偏重,好操弄重低音部份,Lowrider 慢慢來,是他所塑造的嘻哈畫面。Freestyle 的帶動,加上其厚重的硬蕊嗓音沒有參與過他的Party,你不曉得自己能夠如此瘋狂!~

經歷 :         

駐店 DJ部份 :      
台北 M.o.S 國際俱樂部  
台北 Cheers NiNi
台中 Coyote Club

台中 C'est La Vie

台中 犁棧

高雄 K.K Disco

特別活動 :

2005 Boty世界冠軍All 4 One同台

2006 Red Bull BC ONE 世界冠軍Lil ou同台

2006 年 春吶 白沙灣派對 演出

2006 年 美西混音冠軍DJ Backside開場演出

2006 年 日本本田集團旗下大將DJ Tanaken開場演出

2006 DMC 世界冠軍DJ Akakabe同台

2006 年 本田旗下第一大將 DJ Hara 同台演出

2006 年 韓國MP Family首席DJ Wreckx 同台

2006 年 日本DMC關東地區冠軍 DJ Masa 同台

2007 年 日本公信力排行團體Rappagariya同台演出

2007 年 春豔硬地音樂節 演出

2007 墨裔饒舌名將Delinquent Habits非法習慣合唱團 同台演出

Fm 103.3 中廣流行網 AM 00:00 月光派對 DJ

官方家族後援會 http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/DA-MOS/

[電子區藝人介紹] Danny Taylor

Danny Taylor


在2007年的DJ雜誌中,世界排行第34名的DJ Gareth Emery說到:

"Danny在溫哥華幫我的演出暖場過五次,在台北兩次;他靈活多變的的技巧,總 是幫我把現場氣氛炒到最熱,這也是我為什麼總是指定他幫我開場演出的原因,他總是能把氣氛抓到剛好然後交給我,那是十分完美且不懈可擊的,可惜我無法將他 延攬至我的巡迴團隊,至今這都是令我十分扼腕的事。

在溫哥華頗具知名度的Danny Taylor在2006年受邀至台北MoS駐場演出,喜愛亞洲氣候的他,十分鍾愛台灣;為了在台灣的演出,他多次謝絕來自中國大陸及日本等地的表演邀約,為的就是能夠將他最精湛的演出留給台灣的粉絲。

“我喜歡這裡的人們,他們感覺熱情。親切;禮貌卻又瘋狂且熱愛音樂。” Danny如此說道。

Danny Taylor在世界巡迴的演出中,一次又一次磨練出其無人能及的現場群眾魅力,參與他派對的人們,總是不由自主的跟隨著旋律,放開自己;他在包括英國。西班牙。伊比利島。中國大陸。等地的演出為他累積不少歌迷,在可預見的未來中,Danny肯定是舞曲市場新興當紅炸子雞。